
Employment Services


A key part of getting settled in a new country is putting your education and skills to work.

At the CCLC, our Pre-Employment Program prepares newcomers for the Canadian workplace. Newcomers are given the skills and tools to better prepare for the job search process and succeed in the labour market.

Personalized employment services to help you succeed.

What we offer:

  • Individual Employment Needs Assessments

  • Personalized Employment Actions Plans

  • Pre-Employment Job Search Workshops

  • Follow-Up Support


Our Job Search Workshop program aims to provide support to various client groups and demographics. In order to be eligible for the program, participants must be:

  • Permanent Residents

  • Convention Refugees

  • Live-In Caregivers

  • Ukrainian Nationals Arriving Under CUAET Visa


Not eligible for our Job Search Workshop?


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What People Are Saying


“Thank you for your amazing workshop. It is so helpful and valuable. I can say that I learned everything that I needed to know for a job application from your workshop. Thank you again and I wish you the best!”

— Hana

“I just wanted to say how wonderful your job search workshop was. It was my first time participating in a workshop like this, and honestly, I feel so grateful and happy. I look forward to putting all the valuable techniques I have learned from you into practice. Also, I really appreciate your encouragement, help, and support for newcomers like me. I am deeply grateful. What a great learning experience! Thank you very much.”

— Participant