A Newcomers Guide to Elementary School in Ontario

As September approaches, we're here to assist newcomers in their journey through the elementary school system in London, Ontario. Active involvement in your child's education is key to their academic success and social integration. From enrollment to parent-teacher communication and homework support, your participation is crucial. Take advantage of resources like our Settlement Workers in School (SWIS) program to navigate the system with ease. Engage in extracurricular activities and community involvement through our Community Connections team to foster a well-rounded educational experience for your child.

School Enrollment and Registration

To begin, it's crucial to enroll your child in an elementary school. Contact the local school board or visit their website to learn about the registration process and required documentation, such as proof of residence, birth certificates, and immunization records.

Parent-Teacher Communication

Building strong relationships with teachers and educators is vital. Attend parent-teacher meetings, curriculum nights, and our SWIS workshops to stay informed about your child's progress and upcoming activities. Keep communication channels open with teachers to address any concerns or questions you may have.

Homework Support and Education Involvement

Support your child's academic development by assisting with homework, engaging in shared reading, and participating in educational activities at home. Stay on the lookout for our Community Connections fall calendar for upcoming Homework Help and Youth Tutoring sessions in September.

Settlement Workers in School (SWIS) Program

Our SWIS program is an invaluable resource for newcomer families. Our SWIS team works in schools across London to provide support to immigrant parents and students. They provide guidance on navigating the school system, understanding Canadian education, and accessing community resources. Get in touch with your child's school to connect with your SWIS worker and benefit from their expertise.

Extracurricular Activities and Community Engagement

Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities—these activities promote socialization, skill development, and integration into the school community.

Our Community Connections team provides newcomers with weekly family and youth programs. Click here for a full list of events.


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Summer Activities for Newcomer Children