How to Find Affordable Housing in Ontario as a Newcomer

Finding affordable housing is a challenge for many people, and it can be especially difficult for newcomers to Ontario, including immigrants and refugees. With limited knowledge of the local housing market and sometimes unfamiliarity with the rental process, it's important to know where to look and what resources are available. In this blog post, we'll explore some tips for finding affordable housing in Ontario and specific community resources available in London, Ontario.

Start with online resources

There are a number of websites that can help you find rental housing in Ontario, including Kijiji, Craigslist, and Padmapper. You can also check out websites such as ViewIt, RentFaster, and that specialize in rental listings. These sites often include information about the property, the landlord, and the rental process. However, it's important to exercise caution when dealing with online listings, as some may be scams or fraudulent.

Contact local housing organizations

In addition to online resources, there are a number of organizations in Ontario that provide housing assistance and support to newcomers. In London, Ontario, the City of London Housing Access Centre provides information on affordable housing options, including subsidized housing, for low-income individuals and families. They can also provide referrals to other community resources and housing programs.

Seek out community organizations

Community organizations can also be a valuable resource for finding affordable housing in Ontario. The London Cross Cultural Learner Centre provides support to immigrants and refugees, including housing assistance. We offer workshops and information sessions for newcomers on topics such as housing rights and tenant responsibilities and can help connect you with landlords and rental options. Please give us a call or visit our centre to connect with a Settlement Counsellor.

Consider co-operative housing

Co-operative housing can be a good option for newcomers to Ontario who are looking for affordable housing. In a housing co-op, residents are also members and have a say in the operation of the co-op. Co-ops can offer lower rent than traditional rentals and often have a strong sense of community. In London, Ontario, the London Co-ordinating Committee to End Women's Abuse (LCCEWA) manages several housing co-operatives that offer affordable housing to low-income individuals and families.

Ask for help

Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're having trouble finding affordable housing in Ontario, reach out to local community organizations, social workers, CCLC Settlement Counsellors, and government agencies. They can provide guidance and support and may be able to connect you with resources and programs that can help.

As a newcomer to Ontario, it can be overwhelming to navigate the housing market. But by utilizing the resources available and seeking out assistance when needed, finding affordable housing can be a much smoother process.


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